Reverse Trade Show Committee
The Reverse Trade Show Committee works together to plan our speed-networking event. The Reverse Trade Show is a spin on the traditional trade show but instead, property management companies are the exhibitors and service providers are the attendees. A bit like musical chairs, this format allows participants to meet more people and make more connections in a speed-networking environment.
The committee consists of the Chair (Principal Member) and members at-large.
Staff Liaison: Director of Programs and Events
- Building Recruitment (3)
- Venue selection
- Recruit management companies to exhibit
- Event logistics
- Event promotion
Engagement Leader (1)
- Venue volunteer management
- Attendee engagement
Meeting Schedule
This committee meets once a month, via Zoom.
November - April
Time Committment
Committee meetings are one hour per month. All committee members are expected to attend the event.
Number of Committee Members:
This committee consists of four (4) members.

Rockhill Management, LLC