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Position Statements

Building and Fire Codes

BOMA/GLA supports the current state and local code development processes which allow for input by all affected stakeholders, including commercial building owners. During these processes, we encourage policy makers to consider the financial and operational impact of regulations, and work with our industry to pursue public safety in office buildings in an effective and efficient manner.

BOMA/GLA Policy on Codes

Energy Efficiency and Sustainability in Commercial Buildings

BOMA/GLA encourages real estate owners and managers to continually strive to improve energy efficiency, understand state and federal incentive programs for energy retrofits, and collect building data that will assist in making informed decisions on energy usage. Further, we encourage owners to play an active role in implementing responsible consumption practices that are environmentally and economically sustainable using proven technologies and procedures.

BOMA/GLA Policy on Energy Efficiency and Sustainability in Commercial Buildings

Labor Relations

BOMA/GLA recognizes a worker's right to organize in their workplace and for unions to negotiate wages and working conditions on their behalf. BOMA/GLA supports a worker's right to a secret ballot election conducted by the National Labor Relations Board. BOMA/GLA also supports a reasonable timeline and process for a secret ballot election that ensures a choice free of coercion, intimidation, irregularity, and illegality.

Labor Relations Position Statement

Security and Emergency Preparedness

BOMA/GLA leads the industry in providing best practices and up-to-date information on security and emergency preparedness in office buildings. We seek enhanced information sharing between local, state and federal agencies and our members, which will improve the safety of our buildings for tenants and the public.

BOMA/GLA Policy on Security and Emergency Preparedness

Taxes and Fees

BOMA/GLA supports the maintenance of Proposition 13 protections on commercial properties and opposes any effort to create a “split tax roll.” This would discourage investment in commercial office buildings, and further burden office building tenants.

Additionally, while BOMA/GLA understands cities’ increasing reliance on fees as income, fees and fee increases must be reasonable and have a “nexus” to the service provided.

BOMA/GLA Policy onTaxes and Fees


BOMA/GLA supports a comprehensive regional transportation plan that increases mobility for all Angelenos.  We encourage balancing the maximization of service and alternative transportation options, while striving to cause minimal disruption to existing service areas. Business will flourish only if a wide range of transportation options allow the free flow of goods and customers. As the nation’s second largest city and one projected to grow rapidly over the next 50 years, our local, state and federal representatives must work together to ensure that funds are directed to our area, and intergovernmental conflict is minimized.

BOMAGLA Policy on Transportation