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ChrisMix Committee

The ChrisMix Committee works together to produce and host our end of the year holiday party and exhibitor showcase. ChrisMix is being held at the Peterson Museum is hosted by our Associate Members and free to owners and managers (members and nonmembers).  

The committee consists of the Chair (principal member), Co-Chair (associate/professional member), and members at-large. 

Staff Liaison: Director of Programs and Events


  • Select the event venue. 
  • Choose the event theme. 
  • Assist with event logistics (DJ, Catering, Photobooth). 
  • Secure sponsorships and raffle prizes. 
  • Promote the event.  

Meeting Schedule

Second Wednesday from 2pm -3pm, via Zoom, February - November 

Time Committment

Committee meetings are one hour per month. All committee members are expected to attend the event. 

Number of Committee Members:

This committee consists of twenty (20) members. 


Elizabeth Diaz Web
Jocelle Maliwnag Web

Committee Chair
LBA Realty, Inc.

Committee Co-Chair
American Heritage Landscape