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Career Fair Committee

Each year, BOMA/GLA presents up to ten awards recognizing outstanding achievement and service to the commercial real estate community in ways that advance the association and the industry. The Awards of Excellence Committee solicits and evaluates nominations and ensures that nominees meet all criteria and that all completed applications are received before the deadline.  

The committee consists of the Chair (principal member), Co-Chair (associate/professional member), and members at-large.  

Staff Liaison: Director of Programs and Events


  • Solicit and review award nominations. Bring forward nominations for consideration.
  • Attend and participate in meetings as scheduled.
  • Assess the merit of the nominations based on the information submitted.
  • Evaluate nominations and score on an evaluation rubric.
  • Represent the committee at association events.
  • Participate on a subcommittee.
  • Promote the Awards of Excellence event. 
  • Secure sponsorships for the event. 
  • Represent the committee at association events. 

Meeting Schedule

Third Tuesday from 2pm-3pm, via Zoom, February - September 

Time Committment

Committee meetings are one hour per month. The time for subcommittee meetings will vary. All committee members are expected to attend the event. 

Number of Committee Members:

This committee consists of twenty (20) members.




Joanna M - Headshot (002)
Linsey L_web

Committee Chair
LBA Realty



Committee Co-Chair